Hi all! Our next Dagster monthly community meeting...
# announcements
Hi all! Our next Dagster monthly community meeting is tomorrow on Tuesday, March 9 at 9 am Pacific Time (UTC-7).  Link to Agenda Our 0.11.0 release is coming soon, so this month’s community meeting will feature presentations from Dagster’s core team about some of the features you will find in the new release. We have four presentations scheduled for the meeting: • @alex will present dynamic orchestration and the new
step • @owen will discuss upcoming plans for the asset system, including asset lineage • @sandy  will will demo the new backfill and partition features in Dagit • @sashank will demo the new documentation infrastructure and design There will also be a Q&A and discussion section for any questions you have. If you’d like to submit a question in advance, feel free to do so here: Questions Form DM me your email or fill out this form to be added to the calendar invite: https://forms.gle/K2dni4iPq48GnUEq6. If you aren’t able to make it, we’ll share a recording afterward.
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Thank you everyone for a great community meeting! Here are a few followup items: • If you’d like to present at a future community meeting, feel free to DM me or fill out this form: https://forms.gle/vg7C9MCsPU4JvJqs6. If you don’t have a specific topic in mind but are interested in sharing your work, we can work with you to figure one out! • If you’d like to register for a future meeting and be added to the calendar invite, you can do so here: https://forms.gle/8caUNbXrXZBUfX9S8 We’ll be uploading the presentations to Youtube on our channel by tomorrow: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfLnv9X8jyHTe6gJ4hVBo9Q
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Hi @sashank, Thx for the community meeting. Can you update regarding the progress on this issue? it is mentioned that it should be released towards 0.11 https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/2902
cc @alex @chris
hey - ya this is likely getting pushed back again. I spent most of this release trying different approaches and we were unable to come to an end state we were confident enough in given the conceptual and API thrash this type of change will cause. If it does end up slipping i plan to write up something on the discussion.
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Any update on when the community meeting recordings will be released to YouTube? I can’t find them on the link provided 😞
Here it is!


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