Hello... Regarding `Assets` and asset keys in the ...
# announcements
Hello... Regarding
and asset keys in the UI. I only recently realized that I could organize asset keys in a folder structure (proving a list) which means I have a few asset keys that are not organized the way I'd like. Outside of manually going into the db and deleting stuff, is there anyway I can (visually) clean up/hide the Assets keys I don't want? And if no, does anyone have a targeted SQL to delete keys?
Hi Jason. There is a
dagster asset wipe
command that you can use…
We’re also working on asset organization tools (e.g. deletion in dagit, using tags for organization instead of hierarchical structure), so I’d expect some changes in the next month
@prha ah interesting... Thanks a lot. Btw, is that documented and I just missed it? Incase it was - Sorry about that.
It is not documented… it might change with
👍🏾 1