Hello, I like a lot of Dagsters concepts, but ther...
# announcements
Hello, I like a lot of Dagsters concepts, but there are hardly any companies referenced using it. Is it currently ready for production use, or still in beta phase?
There are many companies using it to power production workloads. A subset of those are listed on the dagster.io homepage.
That's great to hear! My company could potentially be interested in using it in a Kubernetes setup. Personally I don't know much about the details of Kubernetes, so I'll just ask: How difficult is it to Upgrade an existing Instance of Dagster to a new version without loosing existing data? Is there a tutorial on how to do it?
> dagster instance migrate
we use a differential migration tool (alembic) to do version by version upgrades
so thats all thats necessary to upgrade the whole server? that sounds great!
yes ideally that is all that is needed 🙂