Is it already possible to deploy and run custom co...
# announcements
Is it already possible to deploy and run custom command line tools on a Dagster Kubernetes deployment? E.g. Oracle sqlplus
Hey, could you share some more details? You could install sqlplus on the dagit image and then ssh into the dagit pod to execute sqlplus commands, for example
For clarification: I'm not yet using Dagster, just evaluating its potential use. sqlplus is just an example of an ETL we currently have, we could probably migrate that usecase to cx_oracle. What I'm interested in is if Dagster has the flexibility to deploy and orchestrate arbirtrary command line tools. So if I understand you correctly, such tools can't currently be automatically deployed directly to the pods which run the solids that want to use the tool?
ah, I think I get the question now. You can use to run arbitrary commands from a dagster solid. To deploy the tools to the pod, you can install the tool in the dockerfile for the user code docker image
Ah so it is possible, thats great! Thanks for answering that question!