I’m looking for a way to publish dataset documenta...
# announcements
I’m looking for a way to publish dataset documentation for the Assets materialised by my Dagster Pipelines. Any recommendations? What you use, and what do you like/dislike about it?
depends on the kind of assets youre materializing, but all of our dbt model asset materializations inherit the models documentation from the dbt
metadata. In practice it looks like this:
what I like about it: doesnt require us to duplicate documentation. dbt docs are the source of truth
thankyou 1
Hey @mrdavidlaing - is your goal to include the documentation inside the Dagster asset catalog? What goes inside the documentation? Is it mainly a text description, or are you interested in formatting and/or tables?
Not really "inside the Asset Catalog"; but I would like use the "validation rules" encapsulated inside the pipeline (eg; from the PandasColumn definitions) to help generate documentation
I've played a bit with the Great Expectations integration; but I'm not that keen on the structure of the docs GE produces.