Or should I be using environment variables instead...
# announcements
Or should I be using environment variables instead (which these already are for the database config, just had pipeline specific config via yaml) edit: reading https://docs.dagster.io/tutorial/advanced_pipelines#parametrizing-pipelines-with-resources it showed that
is included edit2: Ah, it is probably presets!
To add another option - you can have pipeline presets read from Env variables.
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Personally I would: Capture any non sensitive config as presets Have sensitive config in the presets configured to read from environment variables
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Yep! That's exactly what I want to do, I just didn't want to have an environment variable for non-secret values.
Fantastic! This is exactly what I needed, means I can split out my yaml config as required, and the secret values are in env (as defined in the yaml) and the non secret in yaml. Thanks so much 🙂
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