I am getting an error, while trying the airline-de...
# announcements
I am getting an error, while trying the airline-demo example. Here’s the stack trace. I am using venv. My local postgres db is ok. The
pip list
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(env) Jais-MacBook-Pro:airline_demo jai$ pip list
Package                Version      Location
---------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------
airline-demo           dev          /Users/jai/work/test-env/dagster/examples/airline_demo
alembic                1.4.3
certifi                2020.12.5
chardet                4.0.0
click                  7.1.2
coloredlogs            14.0
contextlib2            0.6.0.post1
croniter               0.3.37
dagster                0.9.22.post0
docstring-parser       0.7.1
funcsigs               1.0.2
future                 0.18.2
grpcio                 1.34.0
grpcio-health-checking 1.34.0
humanfriendly          9.1
idna                   2.10
Mako                   1.1.3
MarkupSafe             1.1.1
natsort                7.1.0
pendulum               1.4.4
pip                    20.1.1
protobuf               3.14.0
pyrsistent             0.17.3
python-dateutil        2.8.1
python-editor          1.0.4
pytz                   2020.5
pytzdata               2020.1
PyYAML                 5.3.1
requests               2.25.1
Rx                     1.6.1
setuptools             47.1.0
six                    1.15.0
SQLAlchemy             1.3.22
tabulate               0.8.7
toposort               1.6
tqdm                   4.55.1
tzlocal                1.5.1
urllib3                1.26.2
watchdog               1.0.2