Heh, next on my list is actually a thread based ex...
# announcements
Heh, next on my list is actually a thread based executor
Actually I’m about slack threads =)
Sorry if I ask too many questions but also that's literally the point of this Slack?
Yes, and I’m not against asking in any way, moreover I’m reading most of it and it is helpful quite frequently. But just wanted to notice that it is easier to follow when discussions on one topic are organized in threads
Not when there's multiple unrelated questions that I know will be aimed at different team members.
Thread messages are only discoverable to folks that explicitly look in the thread
So they are generally unsuitable for asking new questions
OK, no worries, that’s reasonable. I just entered slack and saw a pile of your messages since Wednesday which were a bit hard to follow =)
Indeed, I'm zigzagging all over the Dagster code as I'm beating into a very different shape than most people 🙂
Hope you’ll get it working and tell us all about your experience