There actually isn’t a celery run launcher – you’r...
# announcements
There actually isn’t a celery run launcher – you’re probably looking for the celery executor. More info here about executing on celery here: An explanation of run launchers and executors here: More info about the instance and configuring run launchers here:
oh Noah is doing his own fancy run launcher
in order to hack together solids executing in their own containers
i’m looking forward to seeing the wizardry 🙂
ah my bad, that’s exciting!
This is more for avoiding overload on the dagit container
Since I don't want launching 100 pipelines to fork off 100 copies of the CLI 🙂
Would quickly hit the container resource limit and fall over
ah we will have built in support for this in Dagster in our 0.10.0 release cc @johann
more specifically the queueing part, not the solids executing in their own containers part
Local queuing will be great out of the box, but cramming it in a rabbit queue means I can autoscale the runner containers too 🙂
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