Does anyone know if it is possible to run multiple...
# announcements
Does anyone know if it is possible to run multiple partitions within a single scheduled pipeline run? If so, are there are resources or links showing an example of this?
Hey Warren - do you mind giving a little more color on your use case? Is it that you'd like to run the same set of partitions for every scheduled run? Or something like a rolling window?
I have data that is partitioned by year and month, and would like to schedule a pipeline run to process all of these partitions on a daily basis. We currently use the backfill command to run all the partitions manually and would like to schedule that to run automatically. Is something like that possible?
Got it. If you'll be processing every data partition every day, then you don't need Dagster's partition concept. You can use
Copy code
@schedule(pipeline_name=pipeline_name, cron_schedule=...)
def my_daily_schedule(context):
    return <config that parameterizes the pipeline to operate over all partitions>
Thanks, I'll give that a try!