Hi team, I’m quite a new user here. Not sure if th...
# announcements
Hi team, I’m quite a new user here. Not sure if this is the right place to ask these questions, what would be a dagster-recommended way to repeat a pipeline with different inputs, once the previous run has succeeded? Any pointers/docs/articles is appreciated! to be more specific, this is what I’m facing 😄
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Message: (DagsterInvariantViolationError) - dagster.core.errors.DagsterInvariantViolationError: Attempted to iterate over an InvokedSolidOutputHandle. This object represents the output "xxxxx" from the solid "xxxxxx". Consider yielding multiple Outputs if you seek to pass different parts of this output to different solids.
hi! this looks like it's not related to re-running a pipeline, but instead to the way that you're defining your pipeline
would you mind sharing the pipeline definition (
)? you can use dummy names for solids and outputs if you like