What do you think about it?
# announcements
What do you think about it?
The closest thing we have to this now is the python_package option in the workspace, would that work for this use case? If you put all your definitions in the python module it would automatically load them in without a restart
I am using repositories as subproyects, each one with its pipelines
So if i want to add a new repository for new pipelines I need to restart dagit website
How the python module works? Is it loaded from pip?
@David Lacalle Castillo You could do a local install (e.g.
pip install -e <path/to/local_module>
, which treats that folder as an installed package
The problem is that I woud like the following behaviour: • Dinamically add folders of files(repositories) • In those folder dinamically add files (pipelines)
I managed to create new repositories and pipelines dinamically. But all of them in same file and using load from file
If in that file I edit and add pipelines or repositories they are reloaded @prha
You can add repositories and pipelines and they will be reloaded without restarting dagit. You do have to point your
to load a “repository location”
This is a pointer to a python file that imports all of the repositories you want
This approach looks a little tricky but I think that it will do the trick
Yep… I’m sure you’ve already seen this, but there’s some documentation on workspaces here: https://docs.dagster.io/overview/repositories-workspaces/workspaces
I can reload this folder with git-sync
It might not exactly have all the steps to do what you want, but try it out and let us know!
Okey, thank you very much @prha
Actually I was pointing to a big file and all repositories and pipelines inside it
But it gets harder to maintain as it gets bigger
Is it sufficient to have the repository/pipeline definitions in different files and then just import them in this one file?
Yes, I think that it will do the trick. I have tried before in a single file and worked.
I can use docker git-sync for syncing this folder.
I asked before if versioning is allowed. But i think that this will be the better approach
What do you mean when you say pipeline versioning?
If you modify a pipeline with the same name, the previous versions and changes are stored.
I see. And what would you want to do with those previous versions? Just view the structure, or also be able to run new executions with them?
To see the definition and previous runs
Ah, great. Yes, we already support that. We snapshot the structure of the pipelines. Historical runs are preserved, even if the pipelines change.
is the old structure is shown?
Yep! You should see a banner indicating that it’s a historical pipeline snapshot:
(clicked through to this from a historical run)
Is easy to know when the change was produced?
No, we don’t keep track of that. We just compare the snapshot to what code is currently loaded now, and know that it is not current.
Thank you for all your help