Hi folks, could someone please guide me how to set...
# announcements
Hi folks, could someone please guide me how to set Dagster up so that dagit / dagster, RabbitMQ and Celery workers are all running remotely (i.e.: on separate EC2 instances)? I have dagit / dagster running on one instance, RabbitMQ on one and multiple instances for Celery workers (need to be able to add more based on workload scaling) I can't seem to figure out how to provide the correct settings / configuration to dagster Also, will some special setup be required for Celery? What app name will have to be passed to it via the CLI?
hi @Sachit Shivam -- what issues are you encountering?
Hi @max I need to set RabbitMQ and Celery workers up on separate instances, and I'd like to know how to modify the dagster.yaml for that Also, will I have to deploy copies of my pipeline code where I'm running my Celery workers?
yes, your celery workers will need copies of the pipeline code --
provides a wrapper CLI that you can use to run the workers
your dagster.yaml will need the address of the broker
and that same dagster.yaml will need to be present on the workers, so they know how to contact the broker and where to stream events to
Oh okay Alright Thank you Can I ping you again if I run into an issue?
yes of course! happy to debug with you
Thank you! 😄
Hi @max! I'm trying to start a worker by running
dagster-celery worker start -A dagster_celery.app -y /opt/dagster/app/dagster.yaml
Here is the config:
Copy code
    broker: 'pyamqp://guest@ip-172-31-7-185.ap-south-1.compute.internal//'  
    backend: 'rpc://ip-172-31-7-185.ap-south-1.compute.internal'
However, the worker is trying to connect to *`amqp://guest:**@` instead:*
I also tried to format the dagster.yaml as in the documentation:
Copy code
    broker: '<pyamqp://guest@ip-172-31-7-185.ap-south-1.compute.internal//>'
    backend: '<rpc://ip-172-31-7-185.ap-south-1.compute.internal>'
but then it throws this error instead: