I've got sqlalchemy autoflush enabled in the db mo...
# announcements
I've got sqlalchemy autoflush enabled in the db model code that my solids run, and sometimes a pipeline run fails due to an integrity constraint failure that happened in a totally different pipeline. Seems the same celery worker executed both pipelines and reused the db session between the runs without first cleaning up after the first one caused an exception. This problem with celery+sqlalchemy is discussed here http://www.prschmid.com/2013/04/using-sqlalchemy-with-celery-tasks.html, and before adopting dagster we were extending celery.Task and calling
in its after_return method, just like that article recommends. What's the cleanest way to do this in dagster?
@alex do we have a way to add exit behavior to resources? Basically use them like a context manager
@Danny you could take a look at https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/modes-resources#dagster.resource. You can use the context manager patter with
Copy code
  yield <session>
  <spin down>
Thanks @johann! Would you have an example/code of wrapping a db session in a resource like this anywhere?
Thanks for the help!
👍 1