Hi, please let me know if we can integrate dagit w...
# announcements
Hi, please let me know if we can integrate dagit with our angular based application
the dagit webserver is a GraphQL server so you can query it directly to display things If you want to integrate the front-end I think all you can really do is put it in an iframe or something
@alex is there a documentation to which I can refer
not really unfortunately, you can hit the
endpoint where ever you are hosting dagit to get a GraphQL playground which exposes the schema
otherwise you can look at
on github to see the existing queries we use
thanks @alex!
Hey @Manas Jain, we just uploaded some documentation for our graphql API: https://docs.dagster.io/overview/graphql-api#using-the-graphql-playground
👍 1
@alex I am trying to embed the dagit ui has an iframe in my react app but am getting the frame-ancestors error as follows:
Copy code
Refused to frame '<http://localhost:3001/>' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'none'".
I have tried hosting the react app from the production build as well but still facing the same issue. Any ideas on how I can get this done?
I also followed this PR which implements following:
Copy code
{'frame-ancestors': `'none'`}
Does this the dagit ui is not allowed to be embedded as an iframe?
can you file an issue with more details about what you tried
Looks like the issue occurs only when I deploy dagster inside a docker container and then try to embed it in my app. When I simply run dagster in my local (i.e. without docker), it works perfectly fine. Let me explore this a bit further and if it still doesn't work, will file an issue.
Okay. I think I found a way to reproduce the issue. It's the difference in dagster versions. The Embedding works fine with the version 0.14.13 but doesn't work on the version 0.14.20 or even the latest version 0.15.5.
sounds likely caused by recent security improvements that need to be relaxed or have an opt out
Can you please guide on how i can relax or opt-out of the security setting? Or is there any other way around this?
I think I found a way around it for now by updating the iframe options for
for dagit. Its working now. But currently I did this manually which is clearly not a good way. Is there a way to update the settings from a config file or something?
cc @dish
Yeah, we can probably roll that back for OS
@dish I saw that the PR was approved and merged into
. So will this change will be available as part of the next release i.e. 0.15.6 ?
Yep, it will be in the next release
👍 1