Configured Users have reported that they often ha...
# announcements
Configured Users have reported that they often have large, repeated chunks of configuration across their pipelines that they never want to change at runtime. Based on this feedback, we’ve added a new ability to created pre-configured resources (as well as other definition types) that fully or partially apply configuration to pre-existing reusable resources. We imagine infrastructure teams building pre-configured resources that specify exactly the configuration they expose to leaf teams.
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from some_aws_library import s3_session

# interface to s3_session:
# @resource(config_schema={'region': str, 'use_unsigned_session': bool})
# def s3_session(_init_context):

# bake all configuration with code:
east_unsigned_s3_session = s3_session.configured(
    {'region': 'us-east-1', 'use_unsigned_session': False}
# or allow your users only to configure the region only
@configured(s3_session, config_schema={'region': str})
def unsigned_s3_session(config):
    return {'region': config['region'], 'use_unsigned_session': False}
Configured also be applied to solid definitions. This allows one to apply configuration mapping without having to introduce a
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@solid(config_schema={'age': int, 'name': str})
def introduce(context):
    return "{name} is {age} years old".format(**context.solid_config)

introduce_aj = configured(introduce, name="introduce_aj")({'age': 20, 'name': "AJ"})

def return_int_pipeline():