Hi all! Do you think that assets a good way to mat...
# announcements
Hi all! Do you think that assets a good way to materialize a daily report (currently text and tabular data)? Or should we handle that independently saving the data to s3 and storing the metadata in our warehouse?
Hi Cris! Assets are the representation of artifacts external to dagster. In your example, they’d be a good way of tracing which pipeline runs actually produce / affect the daily report. The actual saving / storing the data is independent of this asset representation.
A good use of assets / materialization is to have your pipeline generate the daily report, and then yield an
maybe with the location and metadata for that daily report. You could then have a view in Dagit on the Assets dashboard for that daily report, and see all the pipeline runs that produced that asset historically, along with their metadata.
oh I see, thanks for the explanation and use case