I saw the dependency DSL example in the new docs -...
# announcements
I saw the dependency DSL example in the new docs - thanks for sharing. [https://docs.dagster.io/examples/dep_dsl] Question: the example states
This is not the "blessed" file format nor is it our recommendation for doing things.
Curious from the dagster team why declaring dependencies in this way isn't recommended. thanks!
Hi @aqm
I guess it really depends who's authoring pipelines -- I think it's easy to imagine analyst personas who are much more comfortable in YAML than in Python, working with a library of solids, for whom this or something similar is the right approach
I don't think we yet have enough experience to say of any particular YAML format that it's the right way to build a system like that, and we haven't yet brought anything into the monorepo to support this appraoch
But I think there are a couple of people doing stuff like this currently
Python is maybe better in principle because more flexible, but obviously depending on the userbase that has its pitfalls too