Hi folks. I'm trying to setup a celery worker. I h...
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Hi folks. I'm trying to setup a celery worker. I have rabbit mq with a hostname of rabbitmq. I've set the executor celery url in the $DAGSTER_HOME/pipeline_run.yaml and celery_config.yml as follows: config: -> broker: 'pyamqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672//' starting the broker: dagster-celery worker start -y /opt/dagster/dagster_home/celery_config.yaml However my worker is still looking at localhost and failing to connect 🤔 dagster_worker1_1 | [2020-06-28 103724,256: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://guest:**@ [Errno 111] Connection refused. Am I missing something somewhere?
I it not clear from docs but there should be
broker: '<pyamqp://guest>:guest@rabbitmq:5672//'
👍 1
this is what I got, I'll try with your suggestion - take out config
Top banana... I took the docs literally where hints that it has to be the same as the pipeline_run.yaml Which looks like this: execution: celery: ~*config*~: broker: 'pyamqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672//' Can't argue with the code! Thank you!