Hi, We want to run a R script with in a `bash_co...
# announcements
Hi, We want to run a R script with in a
inside a
- and need to set a dependency between the output of a
and the
. The pseudo code is as follows:
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def func(): 
  path_to_file = save_file_solid()
  res = bash_command_solid(f"Rscript run_process.R {path_to_file}")
  return res
The error we receive is as follows:
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dagster.core.definitions.events.Failure: Bash command execution failed with output: /tmp/tmpxxxxx line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'\n/tmp/tmpxxxxx: `Rscirpt run_process.R <dagster.core.definitions.composition.InvokedSolidOutputHandle object at 0x7f....>'\n", "label": "intentional-failure", "metadata_entries":[]}
From what we understand the
is running within a pipeline and generating a temp path string output from the solid (without running the solid itself). Running the bash command in a terminal runs flawless. In other
s we are able to create dependencies so I'm guessing that it is related to
. What would be the correct approach for such task?
Hey sephi. The body of the @composite_solid function is run during pipeline construction time, not at runtime. So the “path_to_file” variable is not a the actual, path, but an object that represents the path. (It’s an instance of InvokedSolidOutputHandle, which explains the error string).
is the closest thing to what you want You may need to make your own slightly different version if you want use save_file_solid unmodified, but it is a lightweight wrapper around the workhorse
function in dagster-shell which you are free to use directly