Hi! I've been going through the documentation and ...
# announcements
Hi! I've been going through the documentation and I was wondering if someone could clear some things up for me! Given I have deployed dagster to a kubernetes cluster with an appropriate dagster.yaml and a workspace.yaml; and I have a local dev machine with dagster installed and have also defined a dagster.yaml with K8sRunLauncher, and a workspace.yaml; what happens? When I execute a pipeline on my dev machine will its workspace.yaml override/append to the one that was deployed in the container? Or would it be ignored? The "Loading from an external environment" on "https://docs.dagster.io/docs/learn/guides/workspaces" aludes to multiple workspace.yaml files for different teams, but it isn't explicitly stated. The pdf is a quick drawing of what i have described
hi @Kevin 👋 if you execute a pipeline on your dev machine, it will use your local dagster.yaml instance through the entire execution. the instance is passed through the DagsterGraphQLContext object into the execution apis
Hi @cat Thank you for your response 🙂 So provided the local dagster.yaml file has the correct values it will push for the pipelines to be run by the deployed dagster instance?