Hi everyone, I'm back again ! I've updated Dagster...
# announcements
Hi everyone, I'm back again ! I've updated Dagster to 0.7.13, and I've got an issues with the "imagePullSecrets" and dagster_k8s helm: In my
, i've got the following
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  - name: secret-name
When I try to up my stack using Helm, the container is in status "CrashloopBackOff", and, if i get the logs of the pods, I got the following :
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Error 1: Invalid scalar at path root:image_pull_secrets[0]. Value "{'name': 'secret-name'}" of type "<class 'dict'>" is not valid for expected type "String".
I've tried to dig into the issue, and try to edit the configmap-instance.yaml file, specificaly, this part
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      module: dagster_k8s.launcher
      class: K8sRunLauncher
        {{- with .Values.imagePullSecrets }}
            {{- toYaml . | nindent 10 }}
        {{- end }}
I've tried to "hardcode" the value of
After some tries, I've tried
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      module: dagster_k8s.launcher
      class: K8sRunLauncher
        -  "secret-name"
And got the following issue
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dagster.check.CheckError: Member of list mismatches type. Expected <class 'dict'>. Got 'ecr-auth' of type <class 'str'>
Seems like there is a missmatch betwwen the expected type in the config, and the one in the k8sLauncher Any input on this, or any solutions to solve this issue ? Thanks again for your great work 💪
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Hi Gaetan thanks for flagging! This sounds like a bug on our part. Will look into it today
hi Gaetan, thanks for reporting! I was able to repro the issue and will get https://dagster.phacility.com/D3021 into the next release (which I’ll be running 3/21 afternoon PT)
Thank you very much ! I'll try to update our dagster version to 0.7.14 🎉
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👋 I've updated to 0.7.14, and everything went smoothly ! Thanks again !
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