Hello Guys, I am having this error, when trying t...
# announcements
Hello Guys, I am having this error, when trying to parameterize a solid on dagit:
Undefined field "inputs" at path root:solids:augment_5 Expected: "{ outputs?: [{ result?: { json: { path: Path } pickle: { path: Path } } }] }"
Details posted in the Thread.
Dagit UI
my solid:
Copy code
def augment_5(context, gcs_source_1, gcs_source_2):

    # Do stuff with gcs_source_1, gcs_source_2

    return "gcs_source_3_placeholder"
Do you think I am missing anything ? The goal is: I want to run a subset of solid 5 + 6:
In the top-left, there’s a solid subselector, that should enable you to select solid 5 and solid 6
👍 1
you should be able to configure inputs once you’ve set your solid subselection
👍 1
With the full pipeline, it’s not valid to enter inputs for solid 5 since it (I assume) gets its input values from upstream solids
Thank you Phil 😄 You assumed correctly, Solid 5 takes input from result of solid 3 + 4. After selecting the subset, it is now working.
Great! 🙂