Hello Guys, I am trying to run my pipelines in a ...
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Hello Guys, I am trying to run my pipelines in a Kubernetes Clusters, from my local machine, using the run_launcher "dagster_k8s.launcher" I am seeing this error:
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dagster.core.errors.DagsterInvalidConfigError: Errors whilst loading configuration for {'service_account_name': <class 'str'>, 'job_image': <class 'str'>, 'in
stance_config_map': <class 'str'>, 'dagster_home': <class 'str'>, 'image_pull_secrets': Field(<dagster.config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7f1646c88250>,
default=@, is_required=False), 'image_pull_policy': Field(<dagster.config.config_type.String object at 0x7f164f18ce90>, default=Always, is_required=False), 'j
ob_namespace': <class 'str'>, 'env_config_maps': Field(<dagster.config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7f162684a910>, default=@, is_required=False), 'env_sec
rets': Field(<dagster.config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7f162684ab10>, default=@, is_required=False)}.
    Error 1: Fields "['kubeconfig_file', 'load_kubeconfig']" are not defined at document config root. Available fields: "['dagster_home', 'env_config_maps', '
env_secrets', 'image_pull_policy', 'image_pull_secrets', 'instance_config_map', 'job_image', 'job_namespace', 'service_account_name']"
To my understanding, shouldn't
be accepted in the dagster.yaml ? Details posted in thread of this post.
My Dagster.yaml file is as follow:
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  module: dagster_k8s.launcher
  class: K8sRunLauncher
    service_account_name: "environments/tester-imagery-service-account.json"
    job_image: "<http://gcr.io/tester-gcr-registry/dagster_demo_pipeline_image:v1|gcr.io/tester-gcr-registry/dagster_demo_pipeline_image:v1>"
    instance_config_map: "tester-dagster-demo"
    job_namespace: dagster_demo_pipeline_namespace
    dagster_home: "/tmp"
    load_kubeconfig: True
    kubeconfig_file: "environments/kube.config"
Having that, I ran
dagster pipeline execute -f ./pipelines/main_pipeline.py -n process_image_pipeline -d cloud -p cloud
=> See error.
Reference for where I get the configuration parameters for k8s launcher: ...github/dagster/python_modules/libraries/dagster-k8s/dagster_k8s/launcher.py ( line 57 )
the actual config schema is down on line 124
i think if you remove ‘kubeconfig_file’ and ‘load_kubeconfig’ from your yaml it should work
as per the error message piece
Error 1: Fields “[‘kubeconfig_file’, ‘load_kubeconfig’]” are not defined at document config root. Available fields: “[‘dagster_home’, ‘env_config_maps’, '
env_secrets’, ‘image_pull_policy’, ‘image_pull_secrets’, ‘instance_config_map’, ‘job_image’, ‘job_namespace’, ‘service_account_name’]”
it is indeed odd that the config schema is out of sync with the constructor you are looking at cc @nate / @max
Thanks Alex! I did start out with not having those 2 lines. But, I currently want to test run my local pipeline in Kubernetes clusters. And without those 2 lines, the run_launcher seems to think it is being run in a Kubernetes environment, and it tries to seek for Service Host/Port env variables ( which my local environment does not have ) Error message when kube_config is not used:
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File ".../lib/python3.7/site-packages/kubernetes/config/incluster_config.py", line 51, in _load_config
    raise ConfigException("Service host/port is not set.")
kubernetes.config.config_exception.ConfigException: Service host/port is not set.
makes sense, let me throw a diff up to add those two fields to the config
seems like it was just an mistake on our end, apologies for the thrash
That will be awesome No sweat! It happens. I look forward to the update!
if you have the repo checked out locally you could
pip install -e python_modules/libraries/dagster-k8s
and make these modifications https://dagster.phacility.com/D2296
👍 1
yes, a miss on our part - and thanks Alex for the quick diff
Cool, I will test it out now! I also appreciate the quick diff, thanks Alex! Update: It's working!!
🎉 1
Hello @alex, Thanks again for your code-diff yesterday. After applying that patch, unfortunately, I am seeing another issue: The pipeline will run error-free in the local machine, rather than deploying a job in the Kubernetes Clusters. Context of My Project: I am running a small pipeline. Locally, it works, with an empty dagster.yaml file. The pipeline runs in my local machine. I now want to: • Local Machine: perform
dagster pipeline execute -f ./pipelines/main_pipeline.py -n process_image_pipeline -d cloud -p cloud
• The pipeline will be executed as a Kubernetes Job on Google GKE. Resources: + My Dagster.yaml file:
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  module: dagster_k8s.launcher
  class: K8sRunLauncher
    service_account_name: "environments/tester-imagery-service-account.json"
    job_image: "<http://gcr.io/tester-gcr-registry/dagster_demo_pipeline_image:v1|gcr.io/tester-gcr-registry/dagster_demo_pipeline_image:v1>"
    instance_config_map: "tester-dagster-demo"
    job_namespace: dagster_demo_pipeline_namespace
    dagster_home: "/tmp"
    load_kubeconfig: True
    kubeconfig_file: "environments/kube.config"
  enabled: true
  instance_id: 8a67c01a-34c5-4161-ab60-cc4c1de95a86
+ The documentation that I used: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/docs/sections/deploying/k8s.rst and source code at "github/dagster/python_modules/libraries/dagster-k8s/dagster_k8s/launcher.py" + Version of Dagster: latest master branch, With patch from https://dagster.phacility.com/D2296 ( addition of the 2 configuration lines for kube_config ) Is there anything I am missing ? or am I misunderstanding anything ?
Hi @Ken,
dagster pipeline execute
actually bypasses the run launcher. We should add a command line utility that uses the run launcher! Should be pretty straightforward
Thanks for the quick response, Max! I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
Thanks Max, It looks awesome! I do not know how to leave comments in that Web Service, so I hope I could leave it here: 1. >>> File: python_modules/dagster/dagster/cli/pipeline.py Line: 350 New Change: ( added )
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Perhaps you meant
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Since that will generate a templated docs for the proposed
dagster pipeline launch
command. <<< 2. >>> I propose that we add
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To: File: python_modules/dagster/dagster/cli/pipeline.py Line: 42 So that user can perform
dagster pipeline launch
. At the moment, running that command will throw error
Error: No such command 'launch'.
<<< Other than that, this code revision is now triggering the kubernetes.client package successfully upon
dagster pipeline launch
Again, I really appreciate your work!!
GKE Workload has initiated, using the new launch command!
great - thanks for the feedback @Ken I left your notes in the diff for Max—glad this is working!