HI Team I have a question. Can Solids in Dagster ...
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HI Team I have a question. Can Solids in Dagster have conditions loops. I am working on a project where there might be condtional loops.It might not strictly follow DAG concept.Can anyone please specify and give some information about DAG flexibility and behaviour in Dagster.It would be helpful for my research
Hi @achintamiri -- solids themselves can contain any kind of logic that you can implement in python, so they can certainly have loops. You can implement conditionality in Dagster pipelines by using optional outputs -- there's some docs on this at https://dagster.readthedocs.io/en/0.6.4/sections/learn/tutorial/multiple_outputs.html#multiple-and-conditional-outputs
Thanks and one more question.Does Dagster support common workflow language?
i'm not really familiar with the common workflow language but i suspect that its ambitions were quite similar to those of dagster -- to provide a standard way to express (data?) dependencies between processes that might execute on a wide range of heterogeneous systems
well it is a standr workflow format Just like how we have json to represent data in one form which can be later manipulated however we want in any language For file structure and workflows we have CWL which would be useful if we are migrating a workflow from some other system to dagster or vice versa and this would also be easy to maintain https://www.commonwl.org/