Hi! I'm thinking through a production dagster use ...
# announcements
Hi! I'm thinking through a production dagster use case and am unclear on the following: let's say I'm running dagster on a remote VM/container and want to use the dagit UI to trigger and monitor pipeline executions from my local machine's browser. Is there a recommended way to go about that?
You can configure your instance to use a remote store for runs and events which will get you the ability to monitor remotely https://dagster.readthedocs.io/en/0.6.1/sections/deploying/instance.html#using-a-local-or-remote-postgres-instance-for-storage
as for triggering execution - we dont have a way to do that from dagit running somewhere else yet
options for now would be: • use dagit on the remote vm/container • ssh in to the remote vm/container and use CLI to kick off execution • use the scheduler to get predefined executions happening on the remote vm/container
got it, thanks! just to make sure i understand - to get remote monitoring from local dagit, you could set the production instance and local dagit to both use the same postgres db?
Oh I may have misread your question - check out this guide and see if it works for you https://dagster.readthedocs.io/en/0.6.1/sections/deploying/dagit.html
to get remote monitoring from local dagit, you could set the production instance and local dagit to both use the same postgres db?
Yes this will make it so you can monitor from both places.
That said, you should be able to use your local web browser to access dagit running on the remote vm/container
Aligning instance configs allows a locally running dagit web server to monitor the same state you could see from the remote dagit webserver
cool even better
Apologies for making that more confusing than it needed to be - reach back out if you have any other questions 😄
no worries - i'll look through the deploying doc in more detail and reassess