What is the correct way of handling inputs of comp...
# announcements
What is the correct way of handling inputs of composite solids? I want to use the inputs multiple times inside the composite solid. The example shown works fine if i comment out the “added = add(one, two)” line. How can I use the inputs more than one time correctly? I will add a picture to show how the pipeline will be build from the sample code in dagit. The examples in the docs and in the github repo do not seem to encounter this specific problem.
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So it looks like that the composite is actually working fine. If you click on “Expand” you get the following screenshot
but, that still doesn’t explain what is going at the top-level!
Yes exactly, the mapping from the input of the composite_solid to the solids in it works fine.
@Philipp G this looks like a bug, could you file an issue with all of this context and assign to me? https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues
code + screenshots super helpful
Sure, will do in a few minutes. Thanks for looking into it.
no problem at all. thanks for the bug report with the really simple repro
Can’t assign it to you though.
assigned to myself
@Philipp G we gotchu. https://dagster.phacility.com/D1214 thanks for the bug report and thank @alex for the prompt fix 🙂
👍 1