I'm trying out dagster for the first time today, a...
# announcements
I'm trying out dagster for the first time today, and just going through the tutorials. When I run a pipeline like in the
example, how do I see the output from the solids? For example, I'm expecting
to output
foo foo
. But, I don't see that in the output.
Copy code
/project/src # dagster pipeline execute -f hello_dag.py -n hello_dag_pipeline
2019-07-24 21:01:09 - dagster - INFO - 
        orig_message = "Solid 'solid_one' emitted output 'result'"
      log_message_id = "f2bb6fbc-8eb6-49bf-8893-7164481139b6"
       log_timestamp = "2019-07-24T21:01:09.704841"
              run_id = "b49ee030-d8ee-46eb-97b8-9c1aa176a41a"
            pipeline = "hello_dag_pipeline"
execution_epoch_time = 1564002069.697249
            step_key = "solid_one.compute"
               solid = "solid_one"
    solid_definition = "solid_one"
2019-07-24 21:01:09 - dagster - INFO - 
        orig_message = "Solid 'solid_two' emitted output 'result'"
      log_message_id = "77559bfb-7390-4831-8ba0-ec152dfd7323"
       log_timestamp = "2019-07-24T21:01:09.706621"
              run_id = "b49ee030-d8ee-46eb-97b8-9c1aa176a41a"
            pipeline = "hello_dag_pipeline"
execution_epoch_time = 1564002069.697249
            step_key = "solid_two.compute"
               solid = "solid_two"
    solid_definition = "solid_two"