<!channel> Version 0.2.7 has been pushed to pypi. ...
# announcements
<!channel> Version 0.2.7 has been pushed to pypi. https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/releases/tag/v.0.2.7 Release notes: Version 0.2.7 Release Notes Most notable improvements in this release are bunch of improvements to dagit, most notably hot reloading and the in-browser rendering of python error. Also the ability to scaffold configs from the command line is the first fruit of the rearchitecting of the config system. - Dagster improvements: - Added scaffold_config command which generates the template of a yaml file needed to drive the execution of a particular pipeline - Added the ability to automatically serialize intermediate inputs as they flow between solids. Consider this alpha quality. It is currently hard-coded to write out to /tmp/dagster/runs/<<run_id>> - Dagit improvements: - Hot-Reloading and in-browser rendering of python errors. - Scrolling and performance improvements - Keyboard short cuts to navigate between solids using arrow keys - In-app previews of notebooks for dagstermill solids
Updated: Had to push new version to fix critical bug