<!channel> heads up I pushed a new version of dags...
# announcements
<!channel> heads up I pushed a new version of dagster. https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/releases/tag/v0.2.3 Driving factor to release this is a bug in the command line interface in 0.2.2 (#207) Other changes in this release: - CLI interface has changed slightly. Whenever dagit or dagster needs to specify a function to load a repo or a pipeline, use the -n/--fn-name flag combo. Before this was split out into to different use cases in the dagster CLI tool. - We now have the ability to reuse a single solid definition multiple times within the same pipeline using the SolidInstance API. See the corresponding tutorial section for more details. h/t to @freiksenet for this work! - Documentation continues to improve.