Hi, I was curious if anyone here has experience wi...
# random
Hi, I was curious if anyone here has experience with recommendation engines and what a normal amount of memory consumption is? We've built a recommendation engine that provides recommendations but it's consuming a massive amount of memory most likely due reading relevant data into memory via Pandas (read_csv).. We're going to take another look and try to refactor this but wanted to know if this was normal and if i should consider scaling machine instead.. currently we're maxing out a 64 GB RAM machine 😞
In your refactor, have you already considered manually defining data types to smallest "bitness" , convert str to categorical, etc, and/or use parquet format? If your data will grow may need to bite the bullet and use distributed compute or SQL engine compute instead of pandas. Pandas can require far more RAM than data set size.
gotcha, yea we'll consider defining the data types as well. Appreciate the insight
loading data frames that are too big for a single machine's memory is what Spark is for
do not shoot straight for spark (and its complexity) think about any out of core pandas first
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My advise is to ditch pandas (and never import it again) and use polars instead. It consumes way less memory and is like 100 times faster. Also doesnt have memory spikes during joins or other operations, I'm working with recommendations myself, we have huge memory consuptions too. But our jobs would be impossible to run with
. Of course the best thing to do is to use
, but as mentioned above it requires some complexity.
you thought about using a vector DB? QDrant, milvus, weaviate etc. They perform similarity search over embeddings, not sure if that's what you mean by a recommendation engine though
Really appreciate all the responses! I'll definitely give Polars a try, looks pretty good. Yea, we're going to do another round of optimizations first before we consider PySpark and other distributed models. And we're going to keep it in our current DB for now, I did consider Graph databases to help with the querying but I'll check out Vector DBs (new to me tbh) on the next round if this doesn't meet requirements
vector DBs are used for fast similarity search (usually helps to find entities with close embeddings). Another option is FAISS which you can easily run from python.
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gotcha, thanks, i'll definitely dig into it a bit more