Hello, I recently upgraded our Dagster deployment ...
# random
Hello, I recently upgraded our Dagster deployment from 0.12.x to 0.14.x and am trying to start developing using the new API (
, etc). I noticed that
is being deprecated and am just curious as to the reason behind the decision and if there is something that replaces it where we can select pre configured run configurations from Launchpad. Happy to be pointed to an article that touches on this topic.
Hi Christian - you can now supply config to jobs directly, in a similar manner to presets with the old APIs: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/jobs-graphs#hardcoded-configuration
Having multiple presets would now correspond to having one graph with multiple jobs (each with its own config)
Thanks for the info. I did not realize that graphs were to be used in the way you mentioned. There is still a lot more reading and playing with the new features to be done on my end 🙂