Hello! Maybe you are interested that Dagster is be...
# random
Hello! Maybe you are interested that Dagster is being used to generate the data for https://3dbag.nl . This is an up-to-date data set containing 3D building models of the Netherlands. As far as we know this is the first open 3D building data set that is generated fully automatically and covers a whole country on this level of detail. Some of the use cases for this data are: • Applications related to energy use in buildings, such as estimating energy demand, retrofitting costs, finding suitable roofs for solar panels. • Simulating the wind flow and pollutant dispersion in urban areas. • Calculating noise pollution in urban areas. • Analysing the urban structure and evaluating new developments.
👌 3
This is brilliant! If you don't mind, can you please tell me what are you using to render this?
A bit late with the reply, but 3D viewer is custom made, you can check the code at https://github.com/tudelft3d/3dbag-viewer The rendering of the buildings is done with https://github.com/NASA-AMMOS/3DTilesRendererJS
Thanks! I'll check them out 🙂