I'm seeing an error when attempting to import `dag...
# tools
I'm seeing an error when attempting to import
TypeError: 'DagsterDictApi' object is not callable
Could this be version related.?We're on dagster 0.9.3
hey Paul, can you share more about the error here? is there a stack trace?
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>>> import dagster_pagerduty
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/paulwyatt/code/applied-ai/.aidev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dagster_pagerduty/__init__.py", line 3, in <module>
    from .resources import pagerduty_resource
  File "/Users/paulwyatt/code/applied-ai/.aidev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dagster_pagerduty/resources.py", line 159, in <module>
    routing_key in the event payload.''',
TypeError: 'DagsterDictApi' object is not callable
@nate see above, feels quite mysterious
pip list gives me
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dagit                         0.9.3
dagster                       0.9.3
dagster-airflow               0.9.3
dagster-aws                   0.9.3
dagster-bash                  0.7.16
dagster-cron                  0.9.3
dagster-gcp                   0.9.3
dagster-graphql               0.9.3
dagster-k8s                   0.9.3
dagster-pagerduty             2019.6.2
dagster-pandas                0.9.3
dagster-postgres              0.9.3
dagster-slack                 0.9.3
well that’s one problem - that 2019.6.2 release is wrong, I just yanked it from pypi
can you try
pip install dagster-pagerduty==0.9.3
and try again?
👍 1
that fixed it. Thanks @nate!
👍 awesome
the library is pretty minimal right now, feel free to lmk if you need support for more stuff there