<https://www.buzzsprout.com/1114601/5410909> <@U01...
# dagstereo
Wow. This is absolutely fantastic.
Thank you for introducing me to this podcast. I had no idea about any of the context surrounding Reich tbh
i think he's really great honestly 😕
i dont know if you know clapping music
haven't actually heard it, mostly familiar via his electronic stuff (music for 18 musicians, octet, etc)
but yea i mean I've always really enjoyed his stuff as well. I didn't really know anything about the controversy surrounding come out until listening to this, but I think it does introduce a lot of interesting questions regarding intent/personal politics role in appropriation, etc
clapping music is incredible, it's a tiny little phase piece for two people where they clap a simple rhythm
Just listened to it. Crazy how complex the rhythm ends up getting