I am trying to use Helm (inside ArgoCD) to install...
# deployment-kubernetes
I am trying to use Helm (inside ArgoCD) to install dagster and dagster-user-deployments in kubernetes with Charts.yaml and seperate values.yaml files located in the same directory. Both Charts seem to be installing but the values.yaml files don't seem to be replacing the default values and still using the example code. I am using the files from the github repo and have tried many variations from full files to just whats needed. I can see the values being pulled in ArgoCD but they are not being used by dagster. I have several apps installed this same way and have no issues with them. I have a work around with embedding the values.yaml info in ArgoCD Application.yaml file but it would be more ideal to use the values.yaml files directly. Any ideas on what may cause the values.yaml to not be used? Your examples have Helm with a specified values.yaml file using the "-f" flag?
Could you show your
? One theory is that you mistyped the key in YAML
A little bit about my deployments. I have both dagster and dagster-user-deployments installed thru helm version 1.0.7. I have attached the full and minimal versions of the values.yaml files (without real environment info) I am using. I have noticed that even though I have explicitly set "enableSubchart: false" for dagster the Chart still installs the "k8s-example-user-code" when I use a separate values.yaml file. The file I provide is still being used as I can see my defined etl info inside helm parameters but for some reason it's not taking priority or being ignored. The only way I am able to get it working is to "embed the values.yaml info in my ArgoCD application.yaml file which is not ideal. I have many other application doing this same approach but they are working as expected using separate values.yaml files. Just not sure why the values.yaml files are not being used. Thanks for assistance
when you say
I can see the values being pulled in ArgoCD but they are not being used by dagster.
do you mean that in the Helm release, the values are taken up, but the default
still shows? Could you do a
helm show values
on your
to confirm? If that’s the case, then that’s definitely bug. If it isn’t the case, I think you’re running into a peculiarity with ArgoCD - I don’t have much experience with that system unfortunately.
Here is the values file from doing the command "
Copy code
helm show values dagster/dagster > values.yaml
and then mocking it with my changes. This is for Dagster.
With this configuration I am trying to use Dagster without loading the user-example code and setting ".workspace.enable: true" and ".workspace.servers.*" and ".dagster-user-deployments.enabled: true" and ".dagster-user-deployments.enableSubchart: false" to deploy user code in separate helm chart
When this loads I clearly see the k8s-example being deployed under dagster as you can see by the screenshot of "dagster-app-workspace.yaml file
I know that the values.yaml file I am specifying is being used because my info is in the environment just not using the values I have specified (i.e ".dagster-user-deployments.enableSubchart: false")
within ArgoCD I can see the environment visually and see my defined values
so not sure how the "k8s-example-user-code-1" is still being deployed
Hello, in fact, ArgoCD is not the problem as far as I remember but the way both helm charts are constructed. They are not really uncoupled. I end with redeploying everything with the main one.
Does it works without ArgoCD ?
Yes - I have to embed the values.yaml in the ArgoCD application.yaml for both the Dagster and Dagster-User-Deploy charts. I would prefer to have separate values.yaml but so far it's working nicely in Argo and I can apply updates to images rather easily
Oh sorry - not using without Argo
🙂 1
I would try for debugging reason
Have to try on a cluster without it maybe sometime this week.
👍 1