Aloha! I’m curious if anyone has any tips or reco...
# deployment-kubernetes
Aloha! I’m curious if anyone has any tips or recommendations for how to automatically enable all sensors in a Dagster/K8s/UserDeployments setup once the cluster has finished deploying/booting. Some context: I’m working on building a fully contained, fully automated orchestration deployment that needs to boot and properly prime itself without any user involvement (Helm chart will be applied via Argo automation). The DB component will be part of the Helm deployment and will only have ephemeral storage available, so it will be booting from a completely sterile state every time; no sensor enablement carryover. I’ve contemplated figuring out how to configure a pod to run a
dagster sensor start --start-all
CLI command at some point after booting, but I’m not sure which pod to run it in (daemon? dagit?), how to time it, or if there’s a better way entirely.
we are adding the ability to set the default status to on in code, should be out end of this week
congadagster 3
Heroic! Wow. ❤️
I knew procrastinating on this issue was the right thing to do. 😉