Hey folks! I am looking into creating a k8s job co...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hey folks! I am looking into creating a k8s job configuration for a job using Volumes mounting a secret, how could I set these objects I am searching through the source code, but I do not have a clear picture of should I define volumes?
Hi javier, you can set volumes using the volumes/volumeMounts keys in the helm chart here: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/helm/dagster/values.yaml#L444-L463 - you may need to set them on both the run launcher and in the user-code-deployments section (the former is used when the run is launched, the latter is used when serving metadata about your jobs to dagit)
Ok an there is any possibility to set up this volumes as part of the job generation in python code ?
its possible to add tags to your jobs in python that configure the k8s job - you could use that to configure the container that is spun up when the job is launched and add the volumes there: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/customizing-your-deployment#job-or-op-kubernetes-configuration
Ok I see thanks for you quick response
And do you know an example or at least which is the model use by the tags, it follows the standard k8s model?
Also I could use this tags in a job level aswell?
yeah, they should be passed into a V1Container, V1PodSpec, etc. : https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/python_modules/libraries/dagster-k8s/dagster_k8s/job.py#L556-L586 - and you should put them on the Dagster @job decorater, yeah (it won't actually work if you set it on the @op ) unless you are using a certain executor that runs each op in its own pod
looking through the code I can imagine that something like this could work
Copy code
@job(tags={'dagster-k8s/config': {'container_config': {'resources': {'requests': { 'cpu': '1', 'memory': '500Mi' },}}, 
                                  'job_config':{'volume':[{'name': 'train_dir', 'mountPath': '/train_dir'}], 'volume_mounts':[{'name': 'train_dir', 'mountPath': '/train_dir'}]}}})
def train_model_job():
I think it would be
but otherwise yes i think that's right
or, sorry, you may be right
my mistake