Hi! Trying to configure a run that uses multiproce...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hi! Trying to configure a run that uses multiprocess executor on k8s with k8s tags. If I specify the run with
tag with the following:
Copy code
  "dagster-k8s/config": {
    "container_config": {
      "resources": {
        "requests": {
          "cpu": "24",
          "memory": "10Gi"
        "limits": {
          "cpu": "24",
          "memory": "10Gi"
i get this error on dagit 😕 Any ideas on how to achieve this? For this job i would like to run everything in one pod (if i specify the same tag locally it gets ignored but the run works fine, so i wonder if it's something in the dagster-k8s library) I'm running on a dagster 0.13.14 k8s cluster and pipeline uses 0.13.16 code