Hey :wave: just started playing around with dagst...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hey 👋 just started playing around with dagster this week and really enjoying it, thanks for working on such a great tool! I have one query when deploying to k8s - is there a docker image template for user deployments? I got a bit stuck with some quiet failures (first having included an entry-point leading to unexpected arg error, and then missing dagster dependencies in my setup.py) I’m currently using the following format from within a project generated using
dagster new-project my_project
, but not sure if I might run into some other issues down the line
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FROM python:3.7-slim

RUN mkdir -p /opt/dagster/dagster_home /opt/dagster/app

WORKDIR /opt/dagster/app

COPY setup.py .

RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
    pip install .

COPY workspace.yaml .
COPY my_project/ ./my_project/

ENV DAGSTER_HOME=/opt/dagster/dagster_home/

Perhaps a docker image template could optionally be generated when a new project is created, that could be cool. Happy to help out if I can
Hi Jonas - welcome! I agree this could be much better explained in the docs - I'll cut an issue for that so we don't forget. You actually don't need to have workspace.yaml or DAGSTER_HOME set (or to manually set a port to expose), the helm chart handles most of that for you. I think all you need is
Copy code
FROM python:3.7-slim

RUN mkdir -p /opt/dagster/app

WORKDIR /opt/dagster/app

COPY setup.py .

RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
    pip install .

COPY my_project/ ./my_project/
But as you noted, it needs to have the dagster library installed as well.
💯 3
@Dagster Bot docs provide example Dockerfile for making a k8s user code deployment
❤️ 1
awesome thanks @daniel