I’d like to run some of my jobs with a sidecar. so...
# deployment-kubernetes
I’d like to run some of my jobs with a sidecar. something tells me that I can perhaps tag my graph/job with
somehow to specify the details of the sidecar. has anyone done something like this before?
I ran linkerd as an experiment before and discovered that sidecars are generally not great with
because they don’t automatically terminate when the main container finishes, causing the pod to hang.
ah that’s too bad.. I was basically following this article to connect to my cloud DB from within a kubernetes cluster https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/connect-kubernetes-engine#proxy I just got it to work on a test pod and wanted to implement it in my dagster pipeline 😞
yeah, there are ways you can terminate the container when the job ends but i didn’t pursue them