hey all, has anyone tried running celery tasks on ...
# deployment-kubernetes
hey all, has anyone tried running celery tasks on a different cluster to where dagit is hosted? We are interested in isolating workloads. Curious about architectural choices/prior work
Hey Alex dont know if this helps but we use node selectors with specific tags like this: { "dagster-k8s/config": { "container_config": { "env": [ { "name": "DD_AGENT_HOST", "valueFrom": {"fieldRef": {"fieldPath": "status.hostIP"}}, } ], "resources": { "requests": {"cpu": "125m", "memory": "250Mi"}, "limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "2Gi"}, }, }, "pod_spec_config": { "affinity": { "nodeAffinity": { "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": { "nodeSelectorTerms": [ { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "type", "operator": "In", "values": [ "data-worker", ], } ] } ] } } }, }, }, }
Not specific to Celery but you could use a similar approach I believe
thanks Rubén, we have also been using this pattern. We’re looking for further isolation though (i.e. different DNS, control plane, cluster addon versions) from dagit