Hi :wave: Is there an equivalent of Airflow's Kube...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hi 👋 Is there an equivalent of Airflow's KubernetesPodOperator in Dagster ?
I mean does dagster (or dagster_k8s) has a utility function that can create and run pods ?
☝️ 1
You would generally handle that at the solid level, running a solid in a pod.
Hey Flavien - there’s a longer discussion here around why this isn’t as common a thing in Dagster as it is in Airflow: https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U954MEER/p1625004255241500 We do support ways of running every solid in a pod (by configuring your pipeline to use a k8s executor) and you can definitely have a solid that runs a k8s pod. But it’s more common in Dagster pipelines to separate out the business logic of the step from the execution environment of the step
Thank you guys for the responses 😉
dagstir 1