Hi all :wave:, I am trying out a following approa...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hi all 👋, I am trying out a following approach for installing dagster, I have two namespaces: - dagster-infra - dagster-user I installed dagster daemon & dagster in the
namespace and I installed user deployment & configured job namespace in the
namespace. Along with this, I populated Postgresql credentials secret in both the namespace as required. my pipeline example reads environment variable which comes from the secret. for example name of k8s secret my pipeline example needs is
which is present in the
namespace & also updated in dagster-instance configmap as
in the dagster-user namespace itself. now with this setup ideally my job pod should get the secret injected but it is not. though it works when I update the dagster-instance configmap from the
namespace which is consumed by daemon with the same
after doing that I've noticed these secrets gets appended into user deployments as well as jobs. based on this, I've the following questions: • Why does the daemon need to know about secrets? • Why does user deployment gets the secrets injected? • is there any other way to tell daemon that my pipeline needs the given secret?
started an github discussion on similar note: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/4548