How are people running tests with k8s? Do you run ...
# deployment-kubernetes
How are people running tests with k8s? Do you run your local dev instance in k8s, or have a simpler environment where you can run unit tests? In a k8s cluster, which pod can run
, etc.? Or is there another way to launch a run for an integration test?
I wouldn’t write tests for how Dagster runs in K8s (that seems like a responsibility for the Dagster core team) What logic are you looking to test in K8s?
Usually, you can do simple assertions on pipelines using pytest assertions in some in process environment. This can be done locally. If you’re looking to test the end-to-end capabilities of Dagster in a K8s environment, you could have some test setup to stand up a
server ( where you could install the Dagit infrastructure with your pipeline code. Then, to test out and run pipelines, you could invoke GraphQL commands on the Dagit pod, and do assertions on behaviors against the GraphQL endpoints provided.
thanks to you both