Hey :wave: I’m running into autoscaling issue and ...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hey 👋 I’m running into autoscaling issue and I’m curious how others are addressing this. I have an EKS cluster with an EC2 autoscaling group (min. 2
up to 5; CPU 50% threshold), and also have the k8s cluster autoscaler. On the Dagster side, I use the
with the
and a concurrency limit of 10 on backfills. I ran a backfill job yesterday (~300 hourly partitions) which were for the vast majority not doing any heavy lifting (sending an API request, not getting anything back, and simply running through the Dagster pipeline without doing any computations). Though, this pushed both nodes to 100% CPU before the autoscaling kicked in, and even after autoscaling, CPU would periodically reach 100% on one or more nodes and cause a few different issues; • some pipeline runs became zombies • dagit was periodically unresponsive • got these “framework errors” and “inactive rpc error” thrown periodically which caused pipeline failure (see thread) Is this just a matter of “get larger instances”? I would have expected an
to be able to run through 2~5 “empty” Dagster pipelines in parallel, but maybe that’s too much. Is it a common strategy to run Dagit, the Daemon, and our User Code pods on distinct nodes than the ones handling the pipeline runs? If so, I would absolutely love to hear how to achieve something like this!
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An exception was thrown during execution that is likely a framework error, rather than an error in user code.
dagster.check.CheckError: Invariant failed. Description: Pipeline run etl_mailjet_bounce_events_pipeline (eeb7698a-f006-4973-92ac-f29a83bc4ae3) in state PipelineRunStatus.STARTED, expected NOT_STARTED or STARTING
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Caught an error for run f43dfc69-3969-4968-9288-26ab3d0c6ceb while removing it from the queue. Marking the run as failed and dropping it from the queue: grpc._channel._InactiveRpcError: <_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
	details = "failed to connect to all addresses"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1616030966.874849696","description":"Failed to pick subchannel","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.cc","file_line":5396,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1616030966.874844846","description":"failed to connect to all addresses","file":"src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/lb_policy/pick_first/pick_first.cc","file_line":397,"grpc_status":14}]}"
we’ve encountered this ourselves in our internal cluster
you can increase the request cpu when the pipeline is launched for two reasons: 1. Node CPU utilization does not approach 100% 2. Your autoscaling gets triggered earlier
Is it a common strategy to run Dagit, the Daemon, and our User Code pods on distinct nodes than the ones handling the pipeline runs
This is a pretty good idea! You can accomplish this using node selectors or taints/tolerations
Awesome, will look into node selectors and taints/tolerations — thanks!
you can increase the request cpu when the pipeline is launched for two reasons:
1. Node CPU utilization does not approach 100%
2. Your autoscaling gets triggered earlier
I’m not familiar with that — are you referring to the
tag that we can set on solids as described here?
Ahh I see, will give that a try. Thanks @rex! 🙏
Quick follow-up question — can the
tag be added to a
as well, or is it limited to
? I’m getting errors about invalid tag format when adding it to a preset, which I’m then using to automatically pull tags when defining schedules (as described here) — curious if this is by design, or an error on my part;
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dagster.check.CheckError: Value in dictionary mismatches expected type for key dagster-k8s/config. Expected value of type <class 'str'>.
@Charles Lariviere did you manage to figure this out? I am also interested
Talking with @rex, it sounded like the
parameter in
expects a
Dict[str, str]
, while elsewhere (ex. pipeline or solid)
Dict[str, Any]
. I understood this may have been an oversight and would be updated. What I ended up doing at first was passing the k8s config to every pipeline. I later found out the
section of the
which appears to allow for setting default `requests`/`limits` (or other configs you may want to pass) at the cluster level. I now just pass the k8s config tag when I want to overwrite the defaults.