hey, trying to run jobs on k8scelery executors, wh...
# deployment-kubernetes
hey, trying to run jobs on k8scelery executors, which just been deployed with helm. it starts the run jobs, but they cannot see the secrets as the secret is not mounted to the job. If I run the
helm template
I can see the the config and the secrets are generated, but not mounted runtime. what can I do ?
Have you tried specifying
in the celery executor config? We pass this down to the k8s job that creates celery tasks
hey @rex , thanks for answering, I haven't tried that; the env secret is created by helm, and the name is generated, should I just check the name and put it into the values file in advance?
yeah that could work
is there a reason why this is not done in the template automatically?
mind filing an issue for this feature request?
I don't understand the problem yet 😄 how do people run k8s executors, if the job cannot see the posters secrets?
The executor can pass the secrets down to the job.
there a reason why this is not done in the template automatically
Im assuming that this is your issue - that you want to specify the secrets to be passed down from the Helm template configuration itself, rather than configuring it at the executor level in dagit or your pipeline code. If that’s the case, you should file an issue! Hope that clears up the confusion