Hi Dagster folks! I've recently fixed my upgrade f...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hi Dagster folks! I've recently fixed my upgrade from 0.8.5 to 0.9.2 and I've been getting errors with celery runs with my pipelines... a typical error is this:
Copy code
Submitting celery task for step "generate_number_0.compute" to queue "dagster".

Step generate_number_0.compute finished without success or failure event, assuming failure.
And then the rest of the pipeline fails unceremoniously. Any ideas?
Could you get the logs from the celery worker(s) and job pods? An error is probably buried in there that we should be surfacing
Hi @johann one of the errors that is reported in dagit is this attached: it seems as though all the solids.compute are complaining about a required positional arguement config_yaml very lengthy -- i'll see if something a little easier to digest is in the logs