Concerning injecting secrets into the ECS-launched...
# deployment-ecs
Concerning injecting secrets into the ECS-launched task, without specifying a separate task definition, are there plans to improve the secrets mounting process? Currently using some less-than-transparent entrypoint shenanigans to get a single secret with many key: value pairs expanded and set to environmental variables. Trying to avoid making CI/CD unnecessarily complex by exclusively using a beefed-up compose file.
What kind of improvements do you have in mind? Right now, our secrets mounting is mostly a pass-through to the AWS recommendation: You can specify specific secrets to bind from AWS Secrets Manager or you can specify a tag value and it’ll bind any AWS Secrets Managers secrets with that tag.
Right, and if I’m not mistaken, they only show up as plaintext at
, which then requires a different entrypoint script for each service. I may have just used you as a rubber ducky non-consensually. It hadn’t occurred to me until right now to use both entrypoint and command.
I was only referencing the entrypoint in the compose file, which does not propagate into spawned tasks. I’m betting I can
the entrypoint to set env vars and then run the dagster commands afterwards. So, so close to having this thing rock solid. Thanks for your time, I’ll keep specific improvement ideas on the mind.
I had a similar question, when I declare a tag “dagster” for any secret name resource it will show up in the form of key=secret_name and value=secret_arn. I.e. I have one secrets called
and it will show up like this in the
run task
env variables..
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  "dagster/slack": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:secret:dagster/slack-ToNAkO"
Is there anyway of setting the json-key as the key and the value as its actual value? for example:
Copy code
  "SLACK_TOKEN": "jsikfniwfndw"
Yeah, that’s what my entrypoints handle. I do see that the newest release
has support for AWS secrets as a resource to access within ops, but that seems very repetitive and onerous for my use-case, at least. I’m not willing to fill up the secrets manager console with a bunch of individual secrets for each of the many many API keys and stuff that I need to access either, so I’m stuck for the time being using an entrypoint script to access the file mounted at
, unpack it, and set them all before anything else happens.
I did setup a resource that would call boto3 secrets resource behind the scenes and would unpack the response object but I had to have this dependency on every other resource which needed this (think of all the db connections etc). But yeah your method makes sense to bring them in at build time
although this should work though, no?
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  "containerDefinitions": [
      "secrets": [
          "name": "environment_variable_name",
          "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:appauthexample-AbCdEf:username1::"
To ref a particular key. If I’m not mistaken the secrets block declared under the runLauncher section just unpacks these key value pairs to form the above section in the container definition. @jordan thoughts on this? Edit: It looks like it suppose to be iterating through a dict, not sure of the yaml syntax here but want something along the lines of
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  module: dagster_aws.ecs
  class: EcsRunLauncher
      SLACK_TOKEN: arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXXXX:secret:dagster/slack-ToNAkO:SLACK_TOKEN
Where this gets mapped to name:
and valueFrom:
<token value>
I think what you posted (with a yaml dict) is accurate and our docs (with a yaml list) are inaccurate: I’d expect:
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  module: dagster_aws.ecs
  class: EcsRunLauncher
      SLACK_TOKEN: arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXXXX:secret:dagster/slack-ToNAkO:SLACK_TOKEN
to map the entire secret at that ARN to
. And if you’ve stored many key/values in the same secret as a JSON blob, I’d expect:
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  module: dagster_aws.ecs
  class: EcsRunLauncher
      SLACK_TOKEN: arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXXXX:secret:dagster/slack-ToNAkO:SLACK_TOKEN/my-key
to map the
item to
. I’ll verify today and update either the docs or the code accordingly before the next release.
thanks @jordan!
Correction - we indeed are expecting a list of secrets which violates this expectation. So we’ll have to think about how to clean that up.
Yeah ideally to follow something of a similar structure to how its defined in the docs. They have their arn broken down as
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So like in most situations it might be one (or two) keys from the returned json of the secret thats needed to be mapped as an env variable (like
above). I’ve tested it in a task definition and:
Copy code
  "containerDefinitions": [
      "secrets": [
          "name": "SLACK_TOKEN",
          "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX:secret:dagster/slack-AbCdEf:SLACK_TOKEN::"
maps perfectly into the container at runtime i.e.
gives me the desired result. Most of the logic from what I’ve seen on the module is there so should just be a few tweeks.