We deploy dagster with terraform on ECS Fargate an...
# deployment-ecs
We deploy dagster with terraform on ECS Fargate and we use secretmanager. When a run is launch the task which is created have our secret as a environment variable. But with sensor which is launched by the daemon, it's impossible to use secretmanager. We try to customize the ecs task to include the secret ("secrets": [{ "name": "_`environment_variable_name`_", "valueFrom": "arnawssecretsmanager:_`region`_:_`aws_account_id`_㊙️_`secret_name-AbCdEf`_" }]), but it doesn't work. Maybe someone solved this case ?
Hey damien - do you have a user code task? sensors execute on that task, not on the daemon, so you would need to add the secrets config to the user code task
Thanks Daniel, it works.